
Five O’Clock

Teri Carter's Library

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I miss my mother most at five o’clock.

When I was a kid and came home after school, the TV was my babysitter — Gilligan’s Island at 3:30 followed by The Brady Bunch followed by The Partridge Family — until five o’clock came and it was time to do the few chores my mother had left for me (as fast as possible) before she got home.  I stayed with my grandparents in the summers.  My mother, if she was working the right shift, the good 7 to 3 shift, would sit for an hour or so at the kitchen table with my grandmother, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes and gossiping, until we went home, just the 2 of us, around five.  As a teenager, I would dink around with friends after school, knowing I had to be home by five, that my mother would be waiting for me to help…

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“Ay Baby”: A Street Harassment Experiment


by Alexis Wilkinson

I spent this past summer in one of my favorite places on Earth: New York City. To say I love New York would not only be a cliché, but an understatement. I do much more than love New York in some glib sense. I understand New York. I celebrate its joys and empathize with its plight. Working three jobs was a small price to pay for the privilege of running through the filthy, beautiful streets of NYC all day and all night for three months.

If my beloved New York has one fatal flaw, it is that the city has the most persistent, crass, and often truly frightening brand of street harassers I have ever encountered.

I have spent time in other cities. I have been whistled at, shouted at, and even grabbed by the shoulders. But never have these affronts to my personhood been so constant…

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As We Are

The Not Me

Carrie spoke through narrow lips that looked like they were sewn on too tightly. She had the gravelly voice of a lifetime smoker, but her trembly tone and hesitant nature made her barely audible. She seldom talked to people during the support group, and if she did she never peered directly into anyone’s eyes. She usually sat near a corner of the room, always making sure to face the only door leading in or out.


Carrie was petite and jittery. The pale foundation she slathered on her cheeks and the thick black lines she drew under her eyes did not conceal her frailty. Her dry, bleached-blonde hair tapered sharply just below her shoulders. It hung in solid-looking clumps that, like the rest of her, seemed as brittle as icicles.

Carrie usually dressed in snug, almost colorless acid-washed jeans and plain, baggy, crew neck sweatshirts in creamy tones of pastel pink or yellow. In all those faint colors, she sometimes appeared as…

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For HOPE is your ultimate SAVIOUR

“Walk with your head high into a place, rest will come at your feet in its time ”
For I have always been thinking too much while I spent my time alone, I have been expecting too much from life. So, when finally he happened I thought thats not it, I can’t have good things coming to me that easily. But as they say you don’t even acknowledge when it happens for its LOVE and you have never tasted it before.
I didn’t knew when he swept me off from my own ground – the one that I’d claimed on my own for myself. And he just took me into the ninth cloud he was holding in his hands. I thought its my day. Finally my time has come to dissolve myself into someone else’s arms and hide within, for he was my saviour.
But guess what that didn’t last long enough. The weight he had in his hands was getting too much. Whereas loving him was RED all over for me.
Now, that I sit here once again hoping for him to take me away and hide in his castle, I understood one thing “you should always walk into a place and make it yours at that very moment but never depend on it for it will one day depend on you. And thats what victory tastes like.
“Its LOVE and everything is fair in it. So, just get over your fears and own it like you deserve it rather than depend on it”
Today, I know he’ll be back soon enough because its time for payback- payback visit. And I  need to get what’s mine.
And your LOVE …… well it was, it still is and will always be MINE. ♥



“Ten Thousand Years From Now, Nothing We Do Here Will Have Mattered.”

Well it really helped me reduce my confusions.

Bark's Doghouse


As I sit in my hotel room in Boston tonight, overlooking the gorgeous Boston skyline and harbor (well, MY room actually overlooks Logan Airport, but I hear some of the rooms have lovely views), I am reminded of the above quote. It was said quite often by a former boss of mine, and he most often said it at the times when his team would be having heated debates about things that ended up being entirely irrelevant. He always seemed to know exactly the right moment to interject it—upon hearing him say it, we would laugh and agree that we were being foolish and stubborn about inconsequential details, come to a common agreement, and move forward.

However, I often had a different reaction to it. I felt saddened and disheartened, maybe even morbid about it. It always made me feel like my life and my work my meaningless and somewhat…

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How to Travel Like a Local

Breezing Through

How to Travel Like a Local | Breezing Through

Starting from when I was small, my parents made sure when we traveled, we got the most out of our experiences. This included traveling and exploring like a local. There are lots of ways to do this, but today I am going to be sharing four ideas t0 travel like a local.

1) Walk as much as you can. When you are walking, you are experiencing more than you would if you were in a car. You might not be able to see as much in a short period of time but you will really be able to experience the area you are in and you will see what the locals see and experience every day. It’s also a great way to exercise!

How to Travel Like a Local | Breezing Through

2) Eat where the locals do. When you are walking around, you will find that all of the tourists eat at certain spots. Usually at hotel…

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Is washing your #hair too often okay?

Rohidas Vitthal Sanap: Web Developer/Designer

Experts talk about tackling greasiness and how often it is okay to wash your tresses!

A-woman-washing-her-hair-jpgIt’s certainly hot and you’re definitely sweating it out while commuting to work, at the gym or even at home. These increased levels of perspiration might make you feel like washing your hair every day. Experts tackle common questions that you may have about this predicament.

Is a daily hair wash okay?
It’s not necessary to do so, feels city cosmetologist Dr Sama Rais. “Preferably not everyday as shampoos have harsh chemicals and can remove the essential oils from the scalp, causing an over-drying of the scalp. Thrice a week is good enough. Even if you perspire, just pour plain water on the hair. If your hair suffers from Hyperhidrosis (problem of excessive sweating), you may have to wash everyday. But use only a mild shampoo, which is suitable for to your hair,” she says.

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A new start ★

Helloo….^_^  to the world of bloggers.
I guess its  necessary to introduce yourself when you enter a new world. So hello there folks and i feel you guys will reply me back.
Before I start with my writings I think I should let uh guys know why m I here. Well its just because I want to talk, I want to share what I feel. As this world is too big to care about a person as little as i am, so i chose to start with a small yet smart world.
I want to get over my fears and my insecurities. I want to love without expectations. I want to give without expecting return gifts.
I want to feel selfless but still selfish when its about the people i love.
Because I want to let go and beyond the  dreams by dreaming the reality into the reality beyond dreams.
