Personal Musings

Why do I think I can write?

Because I feel a lot, I am what you can an empath. I am somebody who you would often tag as a hypersensitive person.

As a kid, I often cried alone for the things that would not have made sense to most people my age. For the same reason, I never made any real friends and for the record I still have not made many friends. I was often ridiculed for taking things a little too seriously, an old soul you could call me.

Still none of that means I can just write. Sure, I have felt considerably more and I still feel a lot but how will that make me a writer? Well, to tell you the truth, I am not sure myself and I suck at creating grammatically correct sentences. I simply write what comes to me as a feeling, thought or an emotion. But I think I can write because I have been often told not to write stories in my e-mails (:p). Yeah, I often end up taking a lot more space than I should because my own thoughts take a lot more space in my mind. Things are not just white and black to me, instead they have all these beautiful grey shades and I can’t ever choose just one.

Also, I do not write because I need someone to read it or because I want to draw any attention. I think it’s just how I like to express myself. The struggle of being an overly emotional person sometimes just gets to me and I start hating myself for the way I am. But at the time one of those grey’s in mind also tell me that it is because of these feelings that I am able to express myself a little more beautifully than a few people in this world. I am often appreciated for the thoughtfulness and for the efforts when I am just being myself, and I don’t need to tell you that it feels amazing.

So I think I will write and maybe a little more regularly because I do anyway in my mind. It’s just now I will record a lot more of it to look back someday and laugh on own stupid self

So fellow readers, writers – Au Revoir!

Book Reviews

Myra: Book Review

Book Name: Myra

Author: Kalgee Shah

Number of pages: 321

Format: E-book

Rating: 3.5/5⭐

Review: This is story about a girl or should I say every millenial female. This book talks about how a girl behaves when stuck in different problems and different phases of life. The theme of the book clearly states – ” this book is written to show people that a girl is not always naive and stupid.” Following her heart while taking decisions does not make her a fool instead she can be equally practical when faced with testing circumstances.

The premise of the book is quite good and sets the pace of the reader. It starts with a girl named Myra who is in love with her childhood sweetheart “D” who is actually named Mark. The girl in an Indian native living in Arizona with her family including her parents and a younger sister Shy. She is a writer by profession and is waiting for Mark to return from London. And he does return only to Myra’s surprise he has a girlfriend named Caitlyn who seems to be overly controlling.

This sudden change turned Myra’s world upside down. But she’s determined to win her love back and to support her there is her family and Mark’s family as well. But this does not make her task any easier because Mark is not same anymore and never relents.

During all this she meets another Indian Neil who makes her laugh and appreciate herself. Neil not only becomes her friend but starts loving her without expecting much in return.

But as they say life is not an easy sail same is true for Myra too. She faces off Caitlyn to win Mark and ends up losing another important part of her life. This all leads to such unimaginable turn of events that change Myra forever.

Now, we have to see what happens

to Myra and does she ever Get Mark. To know what happened to her and where did she end up in her life go get your copy and dive in the world of romance, mystery.

Comments: The writing style is simple and the premise is very interesting. Although I found few instances where spelling errors frequented but I think is was just to involve some regular SMS lingo to engage the reader. There were some plots which were not quite clearly developed like ‘Obession of Caitlyn with Mark.’

However I reiterate it’s a good book and will definitely be an interesting one for a reader who enjoys romantic fiction.

Personal Musings

Finding Peace 

Today!  The first chapter of 365 pages yearbook.

 Like everyone else I was looking forward to this day,  to add some new memories and to find some new resolutions that I hopefully will be able to complete. But the moment it was dawn and the sun hit now foggy sky I found myself doing the usual that is logging into my Facebook and Instagram.  It’s now become a ritual that normally makes me hate my life and myself for making it that way. 

Today was anything but different, going through pictures of people partying and then hating the fact that I wasn’t like them. Suddenly something struck real hard, yes the new year new me vibes started to take control of me and I quit checking my social media accounts for the rest of the morning I had left. I went out to actually experience this 1st morning of 365 days and I found it beautiful so I decided my first resolution for the year – ” go out and experience sunrise instead of other people’s life”. I was happy now and in that state of happiness I took over the charge of my body to workout in the open. It was fun and cold too. Voila  resolution 2 found –  ” working out amidst the nature”. 

It was a happy morning and peaceful too. It was a time for deep thinking and realizations. It was the time I found the courage and will to be something more. It made me feel accomplished in some sense while it was the simplest thing to do, so here I am- marking the beginning of change. I am now starting a happy yearbook, an accomplished one and I vow to make sure I end it on the same note. 

This is the year for self improvement and some selfish acts. It’s the year when I fulfill  self expectations and tread on the path to achievement. It’s going to be a great book for I choose what makes it great and worthwhile. 

I am going to make me proud and find peace. 

 For every Sunrise is a chance to be something new & someone better, 

Every Sunset be the time to feel accomplished and at peace 


That one Approval 

Sometimes you are tired, you do not understand even a bit of what you have been doing. You know that you are wrong and still you will keep going on. You follow those unrealistic things in your head but never hard enough for them to actually materialize. 

I know I have been wrong, I know I have been dreaming day and night alike. But that’s all I did and still I continued. 

What for??  Still have no idea. Maybe because I approved of it and that’s all that mattered. 

Sometimes telling yourself that you are wrong, crossing the limits is what helps. Because deep down we are always aware when we are wrong and when we should stop. 

Today I start telling myself that I am wrong, and I should think twice or may be thrice or a hundred times if that’s what’s required, but not be wrong intentionally.

Never hurt anyone, never just do it for the fun, think and realize the aftereffects of what I do for they are surely going to impact me and the people that are around me. 

A new day and new challenges and a new change. 

Beginnings always matter. 


Chaos in my 💓


This is not about my crush or my boyfriend or girlfriend for that might matter. 

Its still about a love I have for things I have never seen,  for places I have never been. It’s normal to be on social media and browse the details of life of other people, while doing it I normally come across pictures that a person might have put up from a recent weekend trip or a long vacation or business trip. But as soon as I see it all I am sad,  a void in a my heart becomes more deep and dark.  For all I wanted was to go places,  watch birds and butterflies and waterfall and what not,  I am all but allowed to travel.

But nothing ever did happen and I am. Still waiting to get my journey of the world started,  planning and dreaming and wishing for it to start soon. 

Till then this chaos stays for its the only reminder to have me working, hustling in the direction of my dreams. 

Because I have already taken a small step,  one destination already done. 

 One day I’ll do it… For it’s a journey that will never end…and it’s a journey that’s already started. 🙋


Killing that kid

One day I saw her all happy, ecstatic even for she found love in every detail of life.  Learning about things.. Knowing the obvious.. Following the wilderness was her passion. Inquisitive defined her completely no matter what name was given to her. 

Suddenly she disappeared like she never existed and this saddened me to my core.  What could I have done to bring her back.  I thought again and again and again but nothing seemed possible. 

They killed her again my heart screams in pain, tears welled up in my eyes but all in vain for nothing could bring her back. I looked for her in the morning dew and in the Twilight as well.  I searched through the woods and flowers and butterflies but never found her. I looked deep inside myself but couldn’t find her… Never again her last words were and then we never met… Never again. 

Dead… I am Dead now. Her words echoed through my soul. I missed that kid I hid inside me. 


Unknowing the obvious

At times in life you reach a point where you don’t  wish to know the obvious.  You are on a lookout to  avoid knowing what you already  do. 
Yes!  It sounds odd.. But it sounds like me.  I have been trying and trying hard to ignore the  things that I knew even as a child. Things  like ” life is hard”, like ” you don’t  get second chances every time” but then I have always known that these chances are there… the second  ones though not pleasant  always,  I do find second chances.
To some I might  be a fool or an idle being.  But deep down  I am aware that I’ll do what I have always wanted.  No matter whose in the way.. I am going  to find a second route,  another second  chance to my success.  Be it lies what it takes,  be it being a failure or may be it will need me to become emotionally unavailable and acting emotive  at the same time.
No matter what it takes I will find my road to success… Late but it will be  there… A story of success of yet another being. 



I didn’t know it at all


yes!!! I am back here yet again, after all this time I felt the need to write again.

But this time i believe its going to be a little more regular for I know now that this is something I’ll always own as my own. This is the only thing I will never let go like I didn’t for last 2 years. In the last two years I have learnt a lot more than I could ever imagine, life has been real ( a little too harsh and hellish). Today, as I sit here and write I know how does it feel to be a failure and how hard is it to come out of that dark place where you see nothing but the never ending disappointments.

There was a time I was so happy with life and booom!!!!! the real life happened and I realised the smiles, the laughter, the tears, nothing is permanent. You have to work for everything you want and there is nothing like luck in my case. And I believe that everybody must have felt the same atleast once in their life, so I am no different.

Now I know the happiness of achieving the targets again. I know its not going to be  as easy as it was but it surely will be more interesting and challenging and I am going to learn to love it for the love of myself. I am Vividha and I should be diverse…strong willed….witty and lovely. So today this Village Girl Vividha decides to get better with every hit she gets for its just the start of her winning game.

Once a Winner Always a Winner.
